10-days pilgrimage to the Holy Land


Join us on a 10-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land, starting with an overnight flight to Tel Aviv. Experience the spiritual heritage of Haifa, Nazareth, and Mount Tabor. Explore key biblical sites such as the Sea of Galilee, Jericho, and the Dead Sea. In Jerusalem, visit the Mount of Olives, Mount Zion, and the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Continue to the Temple Mount, Ein Karem, and Bethlehem, tracing the footsteps of Jesus and other biblical figures. Immerse yourself in profound religious history before returning home.

*This package trip requires a minimum of 2 people.

*Can be customized upon request, to meet travelers needs

*9 Nights Hotel/*** (upgrades on request)

*Meals = (B) Breakfast

Tour Plan

Day 1: departure for the holy land

Today we embark on our Journey to the Holy Land. Prepare ourselves for a life-changing experience. Get some rest on the overnight flight. Meals are served on board.

Day 2: Arrival in Telaviv

Upon arrival at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv, make your way to the baggage claim area and collect your luggage. Proceed to the arrival's hall, where you will be greeted by your tour guide and/or driver. Transfer to your hotel in Galilee to check-in and enjoy Dinner.

Day 3: Haifa –Mount Carmel – Cana –Nazareth

Following breakfast, we will drive to Northern Haifa to celebrate Mass in Stella Maris, a Carmelite Monastery. The monastery is located above the cave where Elijah, the prophet, once lived. Continue to Mount Carmel, the place where the prophet Elijah was hiding from the Face of Isabel, and therefore we visit Stella Maris. After that we drive to Cana where you will visit the Franciscan Wedding Church. Couples will have the opportunity to participate in the ceremony to renew their wedding vows, continue to Nazareth to visit the church of the Annunciation where the angel of God announced the Birth of Christ. With its two floors, it is considered the largest Basilica in the Middle East. In the vicinity of the church, is the church of St Joseph, where accord ing to tradition was the place where the Holy Family Lived. The current church was built over a crusader church in 1914.

Day 4: Mount Tabor – Magdala – Mount of beatitudes – Tabgha – Taiberius

The church of transfiguration that is located on Mt. Tabor tells the story of the transfiguration of the Lord. Holy mass in Tabor. After that we continue to Magdala, best known as the home of Mary Magdalene and where surprising archeological finds are breaking new ground in our understanding of Jesus’ time – and the revolution he launched 2,000 years ago. In Magdala we'll see the ruins of a first century town where an ancient synagogue from the time of Jesus’ ministry was found. Then we drive to the lake of Tiberius. Visit the Mount of Beatitudes where Jesus did the Sermon on the Mount, continue to the church of the multiplication of bread and fish, the Primacy of Peter and Capernaum which is well known as the town of Jesus. Before the end of the day we will enjoy a boat ride on the lake.

Day 5: Jordan valley – Jericho –Mount of temptation-Dead sea

Driving through the Jordan Valley with its fertile land we reach the oldest city in the world, Jericho. Visit the Mt of Temptations, and a holy mass in the good Shepherd church, the place where Jesus fasted forty days in the desert and was tempted by the devil. Then the sycamore tree where we remember the story of Zacchae us. After that the traditional baptismal site on the Jordan River where we can renew our baptismal vows. After that we will have a possibility to float on the water in the Dead Sea. On our way to Bethlehem we will visit Bethany, the home of the siblings Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, as well as that of Simon the Leper and it’s site of the reputed Tomb of Lazarus.

Day 6: Jerusalem - Mount of olives - Mount Zion

We start the day by visiting the Mount of Olives. The church of Pater Noster is the place where we remember Jesus teaches the disciples how to pray. Then we go on foot to view the Old City of Jerusalem. Walk down the Palm Sunday, Passing the Tombs of the Prophets, the Jewish Cemeteries to Dominus Flevit and a mass. The Tear Drop shaped church stands to reminds us of Jesus crying over Jerusalem. Then continue to the church of all Nations also known as the church of Agony or Gethsemane. According to tradition this is the place where Jesus had his agony before he was arrested and given into The Hands of the Romans. The Garden of Gethsemane still has some old olive trees that might go back to the time of Jesus. The church of all nations still holds the Rock where Jesus prayed. Then driving some minutes around the Old city we reach to Mount Zion. There we visit the church of the Dormition Abby where our Lady slept. In the crypt of the church we can see the statue of our Lady in a Sleeping position. Just three minutes’ walk away we find the Last Super Room, where we remember the last supper of our Lord, the place of the new covenant. And the Tomb of David. The Tomb that was built by the crusaders as an honorary tomb was the holies place for the Jews till 1967. Continue to the church of St. Peter in Galicanto where we remember the crying of Peter after he denied Jesus. Interest to see is the Dungeons under the church which is a good example of Roman Prisons.

Day 7: Old city of Jerusalem

We start the day by going through the lions Gate that is marked with two Panthers of each side of the gate. St Ann’s Church and the Pools of Bethesda are only some meters away. That is the place where we remember the healing of the cripple who was there for 38 years and the birth of Mary. Walk through the way of the cross, that believers walk since the 14th Century, to remember the passion of our Lord. The church of the Holy sepulcher is the holiest place in Christianity. Tour in the church and visit the holy Tomb with a mass in the holy sepulcher church.

Day 8: Temple mount-Einkarem

Today we start by visiting the temple mount. Tourists or pilgrims are only allowed on the platform but in the actual mosques or the Dome of the Rock. Walk down to the wailing or western wall which is the holiest place for the Jews. After that we are going to visit the town in the Judean Hills called Ein Karim. The place of the visitation, where our Lady visited Elisabeth and the church of John the Baptist, the place where he was born are the main attractions of the city and a mass in the visitation church.

Day 9: Bethlehem

We start our day in Bethlehem. Visit the shepherd’s fields where we remember the Angle of God giving the good news to the shepherds. Follow the path of the shepherds of the birth place of our Lord. The church of the Nativity is considered to be one of the oldest churches in the world. The church is standing tall above the cave where Jesus was born. The cave of St. Jerome where he translated the bible is also worth a visit as well as we celebrate a mass in St. Jerome Chapel and the milk grotto and the rest of the day free

Day 10: Return Home

A very early morning departure for the Tel Aviv Airport for our flight back Home.


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Would you like to customize your own tour of the Holy Land? No problem. Our experienced and qualified staff will assist you in building your once in a life time experience of the holiest place on earth, the Holy Land. Contact us now.


Holy Land – Bethlehem
Jerusalem 91111
P.O. Box11221

